

segunda-feira, 2 de março de 2015

The Unholy Way of the Cross of the Brazilian Bishops

The Way of the Cross of the National Conference of Brazilian Bishops and the Fraternity Campaign

Via Sacra CNBB 2015
This year as part of the Fraternity (Equality and Liberty) Campaign  as propaganda for the Liberation of Theology and Masonic doctrine of CNBB (conferencia nacional de bispos brasileiros), a "Way of the Cross' version corresponding to the Fraternity Campaign was sent to parishes in the Brazilian dioceses. I would like to make a brief comparison of the "Way to blaspheme the Cross" of the CNBB with the Via Crucis of the great Bishop of Campos, Bishop Antonio de Castro. It seems interesting that in many ways they are opposing and contradictory.

At first we receive a presentation from the conciliar Bishop Auxiliary of Brasilia, Leonardo Ulrich Steiner. He starts trying to explain what Lent is without making any reference to sin, penance, soul, salvation, hell, and Judgment. He briefly talks about fasting as a way to be "reintegrated" and with a bit of emphasis on the resurrection. In the following pages of the presentation he focuses on the Church in society to point of ambiguously defining the Church and Christians as well:. "The Church, communities of faith, Christians are active in society They, through dialogue and charity, care for people who are excluded from society. " I wonder, after reading this definition, who are those people "excluded from society". Ahh but we should meditate on the poor oppressed who are gays wanting to marry he means? Was he referring to drug addicts walking in all the Brazilian neighborhoods openly smoking pot in front of society? If he is a little more specific, maybe I would know who those "excluded from society" are so that I may rush off and take care of them. Needless to say, it was not possible for him to give this presentation without citing three times what he said is the "conciliar document, Lumen Gentium" and one other time the joy of the Gospel which is the heretical Exhortation Evangelii Guadium of Francisco. Notably, it is a recurring theme of JOY and HOPE and JOY of this "Way of the Cross" that the CNBB is pumping into the little that is Catholic in the dioceses. As you'll see, these modernists understand very well the law of prayer that says "lex orandi, lex credendi est", we believe as we pray and not the contrary. What we pray and profess is what we believe. This is how they are choking the faith out of Brazil.

Just like everything is a celebration and party for the modernists, they decided to give this "Way of the Cross" the title "Celebration of the Way of the Cross" (page 7). Those who celebrated the Way of the Cross of the Lord were those who crucified him. Ingenuous this name. The beginning starts reminding the Lord that the Church is the "servant of humanity" rather than what we pray every day in the Angelus: Ecce ancilla Domini! Sweet words of the Virgin, "Behold the handmaid of the Lord." But the conciliar church is the servant of humanity, and in other terms the slave of world government as well as its members will come to be. "Still begging the Lord for the fruits of righteousness in our society, and that we become builders of the fraternal society" so begins the Fraternity campaign Anthem of 2015 with a first citation from Gaudium et Spes (Joy and Hope n. 2). Complementing the hymn with the refrain in line with the TL and Francisco:
"I want a united Church,
  server and missionary
  that announces and learns to listen.
  The fight for dignity,
  For justice and equality,
  because "I came to serve"

(The Brazilian Conference of Bishops initiate a Fraternity campaign every year to spread Marxism in the dioceses and manipulate catholic voters to vote for pro-Marxist agendas.)

(I want) What part of the Way of the Cross comes to what 'I want'? The fight for dignity. Human dignity has all emphases in this corner. Nothing to do with God. Equality, teaches us that we need to fight for equality. I do not think I need to explain the nonsense with this hymn. The chorus ends with the motto of Fraternity campaign "I came to serve," serve humanity is the meaning of the words and  they do not hide this fact. Best we take a peek at the start of the Cross written by Bishop de Castro Mayer, a true Way of the Cross.

                                                           The Lion of Campos

"PREPARATORY PRAYER My Lord Jesus Christ, I dispose myself to follow Thee in the path Thou took in the judgment hall of Pilate to Calvary, to Thee immolated for my salvation. I beg the grace to grant me great pain and regret of having sinned, causing Thy atrocious suffering, and that Thy precious Blood is infused in my soul with the firm intention never to sin. "

The rest of the hymn of the version of the "Via Crucis" of the Fraternity Campaign speaks only more dribble: 2. "The great ones oppress, exploit the people, but among you, you must be more diverse." The struggle between the classes. Marxism! A phrase that explains well the objective of the the Unholy way of the Cross of the CNBB. Just think of the people and promote diversity as the only commandment! Being diverse we say. Nothing about our sins! Whoever has taken a sociology course in a secular university knows that "diversity" refers to gays and transvestites. Instead of trying to console God for our sins on the Cross, the CNBB wrote a version to cause the people to "serve humanity" and "be diverse". Diabolical! The singing only continues talking about "the wounds of hatred and intolerance" and "I want" a Church with an "open door without fear of love!" Not a word about the Way of the Cross of the Lord taking His cross. Not a word about the passion of our Lord. With only 2 sentences Don Antonio managed to place us mentally in the way of the cross and be sorry for our sins, and compared to the above 2 page hymn of the CNBB version it is just the opposite.

1st Station
Jesus is arrested and sentenced to death.
After reading about the agony in the garden with emphases in fraternal love the director asks us to understand "to built on brotherhood and peace" and to give a sensitive heart summoning all to ask of the Father that we are a "living Church, fraternal of witnesses".

The Via Crucis of Bishop de Castro Mayer starts without innovation with Jesus in the presence of Pilate.. "Yielding to the cries of the Jews, Pilate condemned Jesus to death on the Cross. What led the Jews to ask the death of Jesus Christ was their infidelity and they wanted to follow a religion to their liking, and not the religion revealed by the Son of God made man. In this they imitated Adam's disobedience and rejection of God's will. We are in the same miserable condition. Let us humble ourselves and ask Our Lady to obtain the grace of being faithful to the Holy Will of her Divine Son. "

With undiluted Catholic doctrine, Bishop de Castro Mayer explains how the Jews reject our Lord because they wanted to follow a religion to their liking. We remember the cries of the CNBB repeating "I want a church" so unhappy with the Catholic Tradition! Bishop de Castro Mayer reminds us of original sin and all our miserable condition instead of "dignity" and moves us to humble ourselves.

Instead of praying for brotherhood, equality, and freedom, as does the "Via non Crucis" of the CNBB, the Via Crucis of Bishop de Castro Mayer harmoniously ends each time with an act of contrition and a prayer for the faithful departed.

2nd Station
Jesus Carries The Cross
After reading briefly about Pilate and the people asking Jesus to be crucified and Pilate saying that he is innocent of that  blood, lector 2 says: "A society in which millions of people are excluded, without the goods necessary for life; a society that produces every day new poor and miserable and kill the innocent, also becomes responsible for their blood. " This Way of the Cross is having the parish meditate on people, eliminating all it has to do with the Catholic religion. Then the lector asks that no one is excluded from society because we all have "equal dignity". This same "dignity" that asked that his blood fall upon us. This "Way of the Cross" is about us! Poor us! And all end up praying for the people who "carry the cross of inequality." We pray contemplating the lack of jobs in this Way of the Cross, but this is just beginning.

Bishop de Castro Mayer reminds us that Jesus carries the Cross on His Shoulders:. "After waking in the Garden of Olives and the atrocious flogging, Jesus still submits to sacrifice to carry the cross to Calvary, Jesus did this to repair our sins. Learn that without sacrifice and the usual spirit of mortification, our religion is vain, empty, without merit. Let us ask Our Lady for the grace to accept with joy the mortifications which require us to comply with our duties of state. "

3rd Station
Jesus Falls the First Time
After reading two sentences on the first fall of Jesus, lector 2 starts again with off things of "without considering our neighbor ... there will be no social peace, no true respect for authentic human values." Increasingly it seems that the CNBB is obsessed with "human values". The director continues, "let us go in search of dignity, for justice, and equality." The Via Crucis of the CNBB is anything but a search for God, it is a search for us and what we want, it is a search for the pity of us and social peace, humanity and everything to do with the worship of man instead of God. All are required to pray that "we are a Samaritan Church to homeless and the marginalized of society." Poor us!

Now a dose of sanity from Bishop de Castro Mayer: "Have been exhausted by insomnia, hunger and loss of blood, Jesus succumbs to the weight of the cross and falls to the ground. In the design of God, this fall is to discount the offenses of our sins, and. warn us against our assumption. By ourselves we will only go from sin to sin, drop in fall. Let us ask Our Lady to obtain the grace of vigilance in prayer and escape from the occasions of sin. "

And here we have the "Via  non Sacra" of the CNBB complaining about the lack of human respect and the marginalized of society and the Bishop de Castro Mayer version reminding us of our sins that cause the fall of Jesus to warn us against our assumption.

4th Station
Jesus meets his mother.
After reading a bit about the prophecy of Simeon and lector 2 humanizing the sufferings of our Lord, the director starts talking about mothers who "suffer with their children in health care, with poor education, lack of qualification for work, with drugs and violence." Dear Catholics in the dioceses, throw this "Way of the Cross of the CNBB" in the trash, burn it as reparation, and pray a Via Crucis that is worth it, for the love of God, and not for the love of humanity!

Bishop de Castro Mayer:. "In Agony in the Garden of Gethsemani and the infamous process that her Divine Son has undergone, Mary was absent, But when He consummates the sacrifice of the redemption of the world, she is there. For both Jesus and Mary, in the decrees of the Almighty, they are identified as active in man's redemptive mission. It is in this way that the Mother of the redeemed, Mary, cooperates in the work of salvation. It is for the Mother who we have recourse to, in order to remain faithful to her Divine Son, in the midst of a paganized society that surrounds us. "

Again although the CNBB does not like it, "It is this this Mother who we have recourse to, in order to remain faithful to her Divine Son, in the midst of a paganized society that surrounds us."

5th Station
Simon the Cyrene helps Jesus carry the Cross
The fifth station begins more or less well and to the end that starts off on the tone of "the weight of the cross of illness and violence" what really are the results of sin, sin, a word that not once appears in this booklet of the " Celebration of the Cross ". It continues with more Marxist trash: "In society in which the great oppress and exploit the people, make that the Church is the protection of the poor and victims of injustice." It is conflict between classes which this Fraternity (equality and liberty) Campaign promotes.

Pius XI advises us about this doctrine of Marxists in the encyclical Divini Redemptoris (9): "... According to this doctrine there is in the world only one reality, matter, the blind forces of which evolve into plant, animal and man. Even human society is nothing but a phenomenon and form of matter, evolving in the same way. By a law of inexorable necessity and through a perpetual conflict of forces, matter moves towards the final synthesis of a classless society. In such a doctrine, as is evident, there is no room for the idea of God; there is no difference between matter and spirit, between soul and body; there is neither survival of the soul after death nor any hope in a future life. Insisting on the dialectical aspect of their materialism, the Communists claim that the conflict which carries the world towards its final synthesis can be accelerated by man. Hence they endeavor to sharpen the antagonisms which arise between the various classes of society. Thus the class struggle with its consequent violent hate and destruction takes on the aspects of a crusade for the progress of humanity. On the other hand, all other forces whatever, as long as they resist such systematic violence, must be annihilated as hostile to the human race. "

And now the Lion of Campos: "In the near future, on the way to Calvary, the executioners of the Savior convince themselves that the extreme weakness, a result of the torture he had been subjected to, Jesus Christ was not able to carru His cross to the top of the hill. They forced Simon of Cyrene to carry the cross of the Savior. Our salvation by God's will does not take place without our cooperation. We need, in our way, to help Jesus to carry the cross. And we do this when we do not conform ourselves to the ways to of a society that, in practice, has went wayward from the Christian austerity. May Our Lady grant us this grace. "

Let me give you a bit of emphasis on this last sentence, "And we do this when we do not conform to the ways of a society that, in practice, has went wayward from the Christian austerity." If our dear bishop of Campos were only alive today. If he could be with us in these dark times!

6th station
Veronica wipes the face of Jesus
After some reading and a quote from "Gaudium et Spes", the lector asks God to renew the Church by placing emphasis on people with "faces disfigured by hatred and intolerance of our time" and calls everyone to pray that "we are a fraternal Church" again. Just loving the oppressed people.

Bishop Antonio de Castro Mayer: "From the middle of that sadistic crowd that formed the nefarious entourage, the Savior on the road to Calvary, there is a strong woman, braving the arrogance of the soldiers, she approaches Jesus and wipes the sacred Face with a clean towel, disfigured by the blood of the crown of thorns, the spit of the assassins of the Sanhedrin and the slaps of bestial soldiery. Let us the ashamed admire the fortitude of this woman and ask Our Lady to obtain the grace to never betray, by human respect, our religion, with our conduct."

7th station
Jesus falls the second time
Here the reader 2 ensures us that "the kingdom that Jesus announces and invites human beings to participate in is the kingdom of love, life and justice, not corruption, exploitation, abuse of power and strength. When there is not respect for the human person and that they are treated as income of merchandise, a fall is inevitable. Is there a worse fall than this? The daily path of the cross is hard and painful. Even so, the cross of our mission should not be abandoned. "

I honestly can not believe what I just read. The words soul, eternity, salvation, hell and heaven are missing from the "Via non Sacra" of the CNBB but not only that, now we are saying that the kingdom of the Lord is something to the worldly. Of all falls, we are asked rhetorically, is there a worse fall than the lack of respect to people? Yes I answer! There is! There is a fall to mortal sin when we lose our soul and our salvation of the Lord, the same fall into sin which is a cause of the fall of our Lord on the way to Calvary! What beasts these bishops of the CNBB taking the Lord's meditation to only reflect on the people asking us if there is worse fall than lack of respect for a human. Blasphemy! The lack of respect in the parishes to the Body, Soul, Blood and Divinity of Our Lord in the abuse of the liturgy that all Brazilians know happens often! The lack of respect for God. The lack of respect for the holy! These apostates do not deserve to occupy the position they occupy in the Holy Church! How can they? Worse than this fall? Yes, there is no shame!

Whoever wrote and had published this garbage has neither a small fraction of dignity and respect to God that the bishop of Campos had. "Despite the help of Cyrene, the enormous weakness of the Savior caused him to fall a second time on the way to Calvary. This second fall of the Savior reminds us of our repeated sins and on the other hand, the infinite mercy of God, that our only hope is repentance to bring us back. That the weakness of the Redeemer that fell to the ground, is our strength, and does not allow us to accept a half-Catholicism to taste sensuality, made more of falls than virtues. "

Not even half-Catholicism does the CNBB have. The CNBB has zero Catholicism.

I will not be able to finish this comparison of the Unholy Way of the Cross of CNBB. It only causes the people to meditate in conflict between classes, humanism, materialism, and liberation theology. There are plenty of other things that can be said about the of the CNBB's Way to blaspheme the Cross, it attacks the personal faith of the people and is a danger in the dioceses. In my opinion the Via Crucis of Don Antonio de Castro Mayer is perfect (if you know Portuguese or get a translation). You can read it here or elsewhere on the web and print it for use during Lent. Anything would be better than the "Via non Sacra" of the CNBB. Get that garbage out of the parishes for the love of God. Saint Francis of Asissi also has a version that is great and there are others that are good.

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