

quinta-feira, 16 de abril de 2015

Fr. Aulagnier on the Recognition of the SSPX by the Argentine State: “A solution is being drafted with Rome… A purely practical solution”.

translated by Michael Fuller

Fr Aulagnier with the defector Bishop Rifan.

It is interesting to know the opinion of Fr. Aulagnier, member of GREC, who for many years has been working towards an agreement together with Fr. Célier and the other priests pointed out as being subversives by Catholic counter-revolutionary thinkers like Max Barret (see here and here); who also helped the separation of Campos and the Institute of the Good Shepherd come about, separations that in reality were promoted even from within the Society by the subversives, in order to weaken it and open up the path towards an agreement.

Fr. Aulagnier says:

SSPX: A solution is being drafted with Rome… A purely practical solution.  From this first decision, it gives me great joy.  It was the theme of my book “A Request for Unity”. [i] (…) This is a new step in practical relations with the SSPX.  It is true that this recognition is principally based on legal reasons: in order to facilitate the activity of the Society of St. Pius X in Argentina.  But at the same time, it helps the recognition of the Society of St. Pius X providing a status in the Church, even if this case is based on functional reasons.  Moreover, the official Church discourse is changed regarding the Society of St. Pius X, not only are the authorities declaring that there is no schism, but also they avoid saying that the Society of St. Pius X doesn’t have any canonical status.

original site:


[i] a book which has a preface from Fr. Lelong, founder of GREC

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