

sexta-feira, 8 de maio de 2015

Does Bishop Fellay believe in the Fatima Message?

Bishop fellay gave a conference in Argentina and stated some of his views about Fatima, among these that the consecration of the world by Pius XII to the Immaculate Heart has permitted the growth of Communism and that there are many curious elements that are not logical.  It seems that Bishop Fellay does not put much stock in the Fatima message.  This short clip is in Spanish and has subtitles added for English readers.  All in all, it seems a bit strange that Bishop Fellay is the bishop chosen to "bury" the Fatima priest.

2 comentários:

  1. What? It looks like he is blaming Pope Pius XII when he actually did consecrate Russia but not with all the bishops and certainly that had nothing to do with the spread of Communism. Pope John XXIII andPaul VI were friendly with the communists. There was also the Vatican Moscow agreement under them.

  2. Bp. Fellay's interpretation is dreadful. What the very facts that he himself mentions demonstrate is that the consecration made by Pius XII shortened the war by turning the tide in favor of the Allies much earlier than perhaps was planned by the orchestrators of the war. The Axis powers were always going to lose, they realistically had no chance of winning once the USSR and the US entered the war, it was only a question of how much time it would take to defeat them, i.e. how many lives would be lost, how much infrastructure would be destroyed, how many countries would be crippled. That was exactly the plan of the enemies of the Faith, as was the spread of Communism that was to follow. Our Lady warned us that if the Consecration of Russia was not performed properly, with all of the bishops, Russia would spread her errors. Since the Pope only partially fulfilled Our Lady's request, some good resulted from it (the war was shortened) but Russia indeed spread her errors (Communism) throughout the world.

    In other words, fulfilling Our Lady's request wasn't what enabled the spread of Communism, it was not fulfilling it in full.
