

terça-feira, 5 de maio de 2015

Saint Anselm House of Studies

We are seeking young vocations to the true Catholic priesthood without compromise to the conciliar church. The Holy Cross Monastery, located in Nova Friburgo, Brazil, offers to all interested the possibility to get a good priestly formation with yesterday's culture, which does not entail Chemistry or Physics, or  mathematics, or technology, but the higher knowledge that is composed of true wisdom.

For starters, we will offer courses of History, Music, Literature, Portuguese Grammar, Catechism and above all: Latin. We will try to adapt ourselves to the level of young people who show up. Everyone will remain perfectly free to leave at any time, and nothing will obligate them to follow a religious or priestly vocation.

It is all about offering those interested a bit of good classical and Christian culture of the Old World Order, of Christ the King, which is diametrically opposed to the anti-culture of the New World Order.

Young people interested should contact Professor Carlos Nougué by email

In nomine Christi,
Fr. Thomas Aquinas OSB

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