
domingo, 19 de julho de 2015

The Evolution of the Society in Accordance with the Directives of Cardinal Ratzinger and GREC

translation of some text by Michael Fuller


"All those who cooperate in the application of this overturning accept and adhere to this new 'Conciliar Church', as His Excellency Mgr. Benelli called it in the letter that he sent me in the name of the Holy Father last June 25, and they enter into the schism."-(Interview published in the French magazine Le Figaro, August 4, 1976).

"It is not us but the modernists who leave the Church. And about the expression 'to leave the visible Church', it is an error to equate the official Church with the visible Church."- (Conference in Econe, December 21st, 1984).

"They are the ones who are forming another church. They remain what they are, they remain modernists, still attached to the council. As the council is pentecostalist ... The Cardinal has reminded us who knows how many times: There is only one Church! ... It is not necessary to form a parallel Church! So this church is obviously the church of the Council."- (Conference in Econe on the 9th of June, 1988).

Cardinal Ratzinger repeated it many times, “But Monsignor, there is only one Church, you mustn’t make a parallel church.” I told him: "Your Eminence, it is not us who are forming a parallel Church, as we are continuing the Church of all times, it is you who are forming the parallel church for having invented the Church of the Council, which Cardinal Benelli called the Conciliar Church; it is you all who have invented a new church, not us, it is you who have made the new catechisms, new Sacraments, a new Mass, a new liturgy, not us. We continue to do what was done before. We are not the ones who are forming a new church." -(Press Conference given in Econe, June 15th, 1988)

"It is, therefore, a strict duty for every priest wanting to remain Catholic to separate himself from this Conciliar Church for as long as it does not rediscover the Tradition of the Church and of the Catholic Faith.”- ("Spiritual Journey", 1990, pg 13)


In July 2001, during a conference at the Abbey of Fontgombault, Cardinal Ratzinger launched his "crusade" in support of "liturgical reform". We will quote a few paragraphs from his concluding lecture and compare them with recent quotes from the leaders of the SSPX. We also add selected quotes from a lecture given by Father Claude Barthe, during a session of GREC on April 28th, 2006.

Fr. Lorans (SSPX), Fr. Lelong, Fr. Barthe and Marie Alix Doutrebente during a GREC meeting.


"Personally, I was for the liberty of continuing to use the old Missal from the beginning and for a very simple reason; since then talk about a rupture with the pre-conciliar Church and the formation of different models of churches would begin: a bygone pre-conciliar Church and a new, conciliar church. This is, moreover, currently the slogan of the Lefebvrists to say that there are two churches. The great rupture was visible for them in the existence of the two missals, which will have rupture between them."


"The fact of going to Rome does not mean that we are in agreement with them.  But it is the Church!  It is the true Church!  While rejecting what is not good, we mustn't reject everything.  It remains the One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church."- (Flavigny, the 2nd of september, 2012).


"Bishop Tissier’s thesis of a pope for two churches is ecclesiovacantism, and it is unacceptable!" (Retreat given to the brothers of the SSPX in Flavigny, December, 2013).



"It seems essential and fundamental to recognize that the two missals are the missals of the Church, and the Church remains always the same. The preface of the Missal of Paul VI explicitly says it is a Missal of the Church by joining its continuity."


“We declare that we recognise the validity of the sacrifice of the Mass and the Sacraments celebrated with the intention to do what the Church does according to the rites indicated in the typical editions of the Roman Missal and the Sacramentary Rituals legitimately promulgated by Popes Paul VI and John-Paul II.”  (Bishop Fellay, Doctrinal Declaration, 15th of April, 2012).



The "reform of the reform" is a matter that concerns the missal of Paul VI, always with the aim of reconciliation within the Church. [...] I think it would be a very important thing for reconciliation, if the missal is released from these spaces of creativity that do not respond to the profound reality, the spirit of the liturgy.  If with a "reform of the reform" we were able to return to a faithful, ecclesiastic celebration of the liturgy, in my opinion this would be an important step, because the ecclesiastical nature of the liturgy would again appear clearly. "


"The union of the active forces of Catholicism could be progressively enhanced by enabling bridges and timely or permanent passageways, and especially by the concrete evolution (transmutation), more or less important, in a traditional sense, of the reform of Paul VI."


"It seems that our contemporaries will perhaps become witness of the birth of a new rite: the "pipaule" mass. Pipaule mass would simply be a mixture of Saint Pius V's rite ("Pie") and Paul VI's rite ("Paul").  The young priests, will introduce parts of the traditional liturgy into the new rite."  (In his book: "Benedict XVI and Traditionalists", 2007)


"It is not a new idea; it has been around in Rome for ten years. I am glad it has been taken up again. Some criticize the idea, saying it is a way of mixing the profane with the sacred. On the contrary, in the perspective of bringing health back to the Church, I think it would be an important progress, because the offertory resumes the Catholic principles of the Mass, of the expiatory sacrifice offered to the Blessed Trinity, offered by the priest to God in reparation for sins, and accompanied by the faithful. And that would gradually bring the faithful back to the traditional Mass they have lost."- (Interview with Présent 06/27/2015).



"Naturally it could be said: we no longer have confidence in the authority of the Church with all that we have experienced in the last thirty years. However, it is a fundamental Catholic principle to have confidence in the authority of the Church. "


Basically, this is a problem of fear, fear of contact . They go on to say that because they are modernists, they are our enemies.  These conditions [the prior conversion of Rome] are ideal but unrealistic.  A leader never retracts a single deal. It takes time.  If we cut ties with Rome, we are sedevacantists.


"It is curious that people who consider themselves as the most faithful Roman Catholics, do not fear anything so much as to Rome. [...] As we have said, it is an attitude of extreme denial of reality. Basically, they are feeding a Protestant notion of the faith. Their faith and their obedience are submitted to subjective and personal criteria. This is not Catholic."-(Interview with Fr. Pfluger by Der Gerade Weg, January 2015)


"It is still true—since it is Church law—that in order to open a new chapel or to found a work, it would be necessary to have the permission of the local ordinary. (...) Here or there, this difficulty will be real, but since when is life without difficulties?"  (Bishop Fellay, DICI, no. 256, June 8, 2012).



"Everything invites, therefore, in the perspective of a willingness to revive the apostolate of the Church into a union of the vital forces of the two Catholic camps just mentioned: the new generation of priests "attached to the conciliar legality"and Tridentine priests."


"But ultimately, the entry into this process calls for a psychological development, and to put it best spiritual, in some as in others.  The traditional priests should be pastoral, needing intelligent compromise as at the same time the firm determination to preserve and develop the Tridentine rite and doctrinal criticism that that entails."


"It is certainly a problem. [...] The believers are often also culturally conservative who do not desire any change. That’s why we’re not as missionary as we could be, because we do not wish to welcome others who carry new ideas and experiences, as the growth of a community always amounts to change.  With all the traumatic experiences lived over the past 50 years now, every innovation is considered suspicious. This is why we confine ourselves to an attitude of refusal. [...]  This certainly explains the skepticism that inspired the efforts deployed in view of a regularization of the Society, but the problem is more extensive. It is fundamentally a challenge of a pastoral order."- (Fr. Pfluger to Der Gerade Weg, January, 2015). 


"Fear paralyzes, impedes progress, but it's natural, it puts us at risk, it threatens us with retreating into ourselves. Our Lord said that we do not put the light under a bushel. That was Gideon's victory .... our faith is enough to overcome the world, not our own means, not the machine gun, not fine words. Faith is sufficient to overcome the world. (Closing sermon in Lourdes, October, 2014).


"Where do they get such ideas? I do maintain, however, that we must try to do all the good we can for as many souls as possible. All the good we can do in Rome could then descend upon the whole Church and do good to thousands of souls. We have to try."- (Interview with Le Rocher, April 2014).



"But above all the attention is directed to the figures of priestly collapse [...] The number of priests in France dropped below 700-800 priests a year in balance with ordinations and deaths and departures. The fall in the number of seminarians makes the decrease irreversible [...] The priestly prosperity of the Tridentine world is instructive. It was brought to light in the last assembly of bishops in Lourdes by some studies. [...] In the present ecclesial context, the Tridentine rite Catholics are taking the lead in the great crisis. [...] Everything invites, therefore, in the perspective of a willingness to revive the apostolate of the Church into a union of the vital forces of the two Catholic camps just mentioned."


"This year there were only 68 ordinations of diocesan priests throughout all of France and 52 ordinations of religious for a total of 120 new priests. It is predicted that there will be only 6000 priests in France in 5 years as compared to 15,000 today, because 10,000 of them are over 65 years of age, and 7000 are over 75. [...]   the conclusion is more demographically obvious every day: there are not enough new priests to replace the priests who die. [...]  But the facts are always there, and the experiment of Tradition can still be made. But for that to happen we must make an energetic denial that this decline is our destiny, and there must be a will to make use of the treasures offered by the Tradition of 2000 years… Such is the challenge!"- (DICI editorial, July 10, 2015).

"This is the old plan of Cardinal Ratzinger: the only way to disintegrate the fundamentalists (integristas) is to reintegrate them." Bishop Faure

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